Toy Rotation – What, Why, How Often, How Many?

Toy rotation is simply displaying a set number of toys for your child to play with and then keeping the other toys out of your child’s reach and sight. At regular intervals, you’ll update the current toys by swapping the ones you stored away without increasing the selection of toys. When you bring out “new” toys (even if they’ve played with them before), it renews your child’s curiosity and will often lead to them engaging with those activities more.

Rotating a smaller and more thoughtfully-edited selection of toys is a great way to promote focus and let your child master individual skills, while also helping you reduce clutter in your home.

How many toys should we be displaying?

Depending on the age of your child, 8-10 toys or activities in a playroom is a good number.

How do I know when it’s time to rotate the toys?

Observe your child at play. Watch which toys are being used and which haven’t been used for many days in a row. Leave the toys out for long enough that your child has the opportunity to explore their play possibilities fully, but not so long that boredom sets in. 

A week is usually a good length of time, but only rotate the toys your child isn’t engaging with.